Information Security

Information security is an apparently simple subject with clear rules. From the fact that there are almost daily incidents in the news, must be concluded that the subject is more complex than it looks. We use the premise that information security is a business issue in which ICT is a part.

The reliability of the information is an important quality aspect of organizations. Laws and regulations in the framework of Governance (VIR, Tobacco Blatt, SOX, etc.) also require attention to information security.

Information Security and Audit: The auditors will assess the adequacy of the information security policy and provide advice in the preparation of risk management. The outcome of an information security audit is the understanding of the effectiveness and progress of the information in an organization. Often such an audit is used to define the starting point for the improvement.

Security information and advice: Our consultants (information security specialists) help organizations to define and organize the security management process. We also provide on an ad interim base security officers, information officers, etc. to the government and profit organizations.

With our years of experience in this area we know very well the pitfalls that are apparently inherent to this subject.