Continuity Management

Through extensive experience we have developed a practical but above all pragmatic method to manage the continuity of your organization.

At this website you can download a free of charge Quickscan which you can easily use to determine the extent to which your organization depends on IT.

Duijnborgh Audit has developed a number of instruments that can be used to determine how organization is able to start again after a disaster. The methodology is built according to our developed model CEM (CEM stands for Continuity Efficiency Measurement).

The CEM-model defines the risks when a failure of ICT in enterprises occure, which are bottlenecks and, most importantly, what measures can (should) be to reduce the risks to hedge,

In the process a number of showstoppers are in place, to prevent more activity than is absolutely necessary to determine whether action is needed, if any. The methodology is very suitable for medium-sized enterprises.

The steps in a Continuity Efficiency Measurement

CEM Quickscan
CEM Self
CEM Audit
By sending us a e-mail , you can request for the Quickscan applications. We send you the Quickscan free of charge.
Download the Acrobat Reader Icon brochure, or contact us if you want more information.